Wednesday, January 27, 2016

No VOKE, no prana

Me getting VOKED in Costa Rica!

A popular yoga saying goes, “No coffee, no prana”.  Prana is the vital life force circulating within us, our breath, energy, and more. We all need help kick starting our prana, and coffee/tea/smoothies/juice aren't always available to fuel our fire. Enter VOKE tabs, smooth, natural energy from leaf and berry.

On retreat, I teach people how to lead healthier lives. I’m always on the lookout for things that can support my mission. There’s a lot to choose from (picture the natural supplement aisle at any grocery store these days – yikes!), and it can be overwhelming to figure out what’s for real. When I find something that is genuinely effective, I share it. Last year, we included VOKE tabs in all our retreat goodie bags. We challenge our retreaters with active days of yoga, horseback riding, and hiking, so VOKE was perfect to keep them energized and engaged while embracing our yoga and outdoor fitness focus in the mountains of Montana. I loved that while encouraging people to physically and mentally challenge themselves on a long hike or ride, I could offer them a VOKE to boost their get-up-and-go. And that boost easily fit in their pocket, backpack or saddle bag.

Our yoga retreats are not just a vacation getaway. My goal is to give our retreaters ideas they can take home with them to support a healthy lifestyle. Because being healthy is an ongoing effort - it shouldn’t happen only when you have the time and resources to dedicate to it, like on retreat. We encourage everyone to make time for yoga when they return home – and in the daily grind, we all need help pushing the prana. VOKE provides a clean boost of energy that helps get me on my mat, and stay clear and focused during my yoga practice. No VOKE, no prana.

Try VOKE. Or better yet, join me on retreat and you'll get some in your goodie bag. 

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