Saturday, January 23, 2016

Cowgirl Yoga in Costa Rica 2016

Riding horses and doing yoga in Costa Rica is a great way to start the New Year, I've decided. Cowgirl Yoga, Pura Vida style was a perfect reset for mind, body and spirit. I had my first gallop on the beach - 45 seconds of pure euphoria that I will be reliving many a time. The tropical air was a natural hot yoga studio that felt purifying (vs. stifling). And in addition to my own joy with horses and yoga, I got to share this with others. I came home feeling lighter. Clean and sparkly.

One thing I'm always pondering is how to make retreat magic last. How do we take home that joy, that lighter feeling? The idea for a Costa Rica cleanse was born, to offer ways to recreate that feeling at home. Clean and light - that's what we're going for. We all want that, but sometimes we get in our own way. It's more challenging when we're not on retreat.

So, I'm going back for more later this year to try to take this to the next level. We just added the LUXE Cowgirl Yoga Cleanse in Costa Rica for November 2016, with our lovely partner Equisol. It's a pre-holiday season detox, to kickstart your health and immunity at a time of year when you might be tempted to do otherwise. So why not start the season out on the right foot? It makes sense. It will expand and encourage the possibilities for good health, without being extreme or uncomfortable.

LUXE Cowgirl Yoga Cleanse is like it sounds - think laid-back luxury, with a healthy twist. Yoga with a view of the Pacific Ocean. Fresh tropical fare designed by our personal chef to support your body’s natural ability to heal itself and rejuvenate the mind, body and spirit. Taking a dip with horses in the river and riding through the jungle and on the beach. We'll explore the links between yoga, riding, cleansing, mindfulness and your overall well-being. Through yoga, meditation, breathing, the horse-human connection and our dietary choices we will learn how to improve balance in the body and mind.

Why cleanse? So much of the food we consume is processed and filled with additives, preservatives and chemicals. Our digestive system can become bogged down and we might not be getting all of the nutrients we need. A nutritious cleanse will reinvigorate our health - supporting our healing process and getting us back into balance, physically and mentally.

But don't panic - we will ease into and out of the cleanse, giving our bodies time to adjust. We will NOT go hungry! We'll be supported with delicious juices, smoothies, nutritious raw food meals and snacks, lightly cooked vegetables and fish (for those who choose). The cleanse will not be rigid - everyone’s body needs something different. The best part is that you will have the support of fellow cowgirls and cleansers to encourage you on the path!

Join me for Pura Vida with yoga, horses and some good, clean living in paradise, November 6-13, 2016. You can reserve your spot now through Equisol. 

Yeehaw & Namaste. 

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