Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cowgirl Yoga last Yeehaw

September 1 already!? A good day to share the last of the fun Cowgirl Yoga pix from early August's Ranch Camp, before I get myself in the mood for fall...which I am planning to do at the Big EZ Lodge up in Big Sky this weekend on our Eat Pray Love Yoga retreat. I am sure it will be chilly enough at night up there to sit fireside in a cozy sweater sipping a big glass of full-bodied red vino, and I'm packing lots o' layers for Saturday's hike up to 9500 feet (where it snowed on this very same weekend last year).

These Cowgirl Yoga last Yeehaw pictures include: Warrior II under the big sky; horseback Namaste at Yeehaw hill; foam fighting on horseback, which is major fun and improves your balancing act (note me pondering my next move); our supermodel and her gorgeous Tango; Janice doing her best Natarajasana pose.

As we ease our way towards Autumn, have a look at my latest on the Athleta Chi, Yoga Philosophy for Fall, and let me know what you think by posting your comments there. Namaste.

1 comment:

  1. Love love love the first image
    goddess cowgirl warriors
