Friday, August 28, 2009

Dude Boy Dreamboat's Trail Debut

I'm a proud new mama. Well, new mama to Dude Boy Dreamboat, my horse of one week. A few days ago he got shoes on (he's been barefoot and long in hoof), I finally settled on a name, and today we had our first trail ride together. I was a little nervous. This is a horse built for mountain trails - but he's a little out of shape right now, and we knew nothing of his trail manners. I am proud to report that we did great. This trail in the Gallatin Canyon was steeper than most that we ride on, so Dude Boy was huffing and puffing on the way up, but clearly happy to be where he was. On a gorgeous late summer day, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and some yoga on high before we began our descent. My nervousness reappeared on the way down, until I realized how surefooted this horse is. Lucky, lucky me to have met this boy, and now I get to call him mine. He endures my behaving like an adoring mama and fawning over him with such dignity. My Dude Boy. My Dreamboat. Here are some of my proud new mama pix, from today's ride and of him getting shoed. Happy Friday!

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