Saturday, August 1, 2015

Cowgirl Yoga on CNN

Dog days of summer already? Here in SW Montana, we had snow in the mountains earlier this week. Yep, SNOW.  I just love that it snowed in July. Anything can happen here, anytime of the year - it's a beautiful reminder of the power of Mother Nature.

In June, Mother Nature opted for low drama when we had CNN visit us on our LUXE Cowgirl Yoga retreat, to interview me for their passion to portfolio series. We couldn't have asked for a more perfect setting. I'm thrilled that our first tv feature captured what Cowgirl Yoga is all about. Hope you enjoy! Also check out their follow up article to the interview, 5 Ways to Turn Your Exercise Routine into a Business. If all this convinces you to join us for Cowgirl Yoga - stay tuned, 2016 dates coming soon.

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