Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dude Boy gets a bath

I am in love with Montana. For other states I have admiration, respect, recognition and even some affection but with Montana it is love, and it's difficult to analyze love when you're in it.
John Steinbeck

It amazes me that I live in a place where I can wake up and say to myself, I think I am going to go give my horse a bath today. This simply would not happen anywhere else I have ever lived. This morning Morgane and I helped Janice give Dude Boy a bath, and he loved it. His blonde mane and tail were soooo silky afterwards and he looked simply gorgeous. Which is perfect timing, since I'll be riding him in a parade on Saturday. It was so warm this morning that Morgane ran around naked while Janice sprayed her with the hose and filled a bucket with cold water for her to sit in. We all felt relaxed and refreshed by Dude Boy's bathing activities, so he wasn't the only one to benefit from his getting clean.

Adding to the list of things that have made me smile today are 2 emails I received from recent retreat alumnae:

  • Carolyn told me that after our retreat she headed to Le Chatelaine to get some chocolates: I ended up getting a box with 2 layers! I've been having 1 piece every evening and doing a little chocolate meditation with it to really enjoy it. Hhhmmm, sounds like she ought to consider our Yoga & Chocolate Winter Weekend in February...
  • Elizabeth told me how she is coping with some challenges in her life: I stand on my head every day and stop and quietly chant 'om namah shivayah' in my head...when I feel like I am going to freak out.
Om Namah Shivayah, chocolate meditation, and a bath for Dude Boy. Aaaahhhh, what a great day here in Montana. Namaste.

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