Friday, August 14, 2009

Zucchini Baby

I'm feeling very Animal Vegetable Miracle after spending the afternoon cooking up our latest round of CSA bounty. I was slightly overwhelmed by the sizes and amounts of things, and decided I was going to find ways to use it all no matter what. So I've been researching recipes, checking things out online (had no idea what to do with beet greens, for example) and mixing things together in the enjoyable alchemy that is cooking. I've got yet another giant batch of soup in the freezer for chilly fall evenings - used up the red potatoes, carrots and Swiss chard in that - zucchini bread baking in the oven, beets and their greens on the supper menu, and more soup with the kale planned for tomorrow. So satisfying to stockpile and savor the delicious results.

Morgane was also impressed with our veggies; in fact, she's been carrying around the enormous zucchini we scored for baking bread. We've been calling it "zucchini baby". Luckily she was ok with it when it was time to shred it. Happy Friday.


  1. Sauteed beet greens, topped with roasted beets, walnuts and goat cheese, drizzled with balsamic vinaigrette = best salad ever!!!

  2. mmmmm, thanks gumbomum! I myself am just getting turned on to beets - I thought I didn't like 'em til I tried them again - but husband and 4 year old eat them like they're going out of style so have to find some good ways to prepare them.
