Sunday, August 23, 2009

Childhood dream come true

Just a week ago I hadn't even met him yet. Now he's mine. Yesterday, I bought a horse. This event was not planned; it was a combination of the right timing and fate that brought us together. It all felt like a dream as we moved towards this conclusion. After husband, who was out of town when it all began, came home and was promptly ushered from the airport to meet said horse, we made an offer. It was accepted and as we drove home I couldn't stop crying. I was overcome with emotion at the fulfillment of a childhood dream, and the generosity of spirit of several beings both human and equine that made it happen.

My horse, who as of right now is nameless as we ponder the possibilities, is half Montana Traveler and half Quarter Horse. I had never heard of the MT Traveler before and was intrigued by their story. He is also huge. A big, gentle boy with the sweetest blaze across his face, and red roan in color. He emanates sweetness.

Despite an exhausting whirlwind the last few days involving our animals of the canine variety (that's a whole other post), I am basking in the glow of my horse. MY horse. Just going about my regular business even feels different, when I suddenly remember, "I have a horse!" and a big smile comes to my face. I am daydreaming about what our future holds. And now, I have to come up with a name for him. This may be the toughest part, stay tuned...


  1. OH my goodness! Congratulations - he is BEAUTIFUL. Can't wait to get out there again. Enjoy every moment with your new horse!

  2. i had to use some of your amazing photos on my silly little blog! so inspiring and beautiful...i hope you don't mind.

    in love and light,
    michelle antognoli

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Why is it that I always cry tears of joy when I read your blog? Congratulations! I am so happy for you.

    PS...I start yoga training next month! Thank you for being one of many teachers who has inspired me.


  5. Congrats! Us girls love our ponies!

  6. thanks girls for all your sweet and fun comments!

    jess: YES come back anytime!
    mickie: I am honored that you did a post with our photos, and love the name of your blog...will add it to my must read list.
    dreasteamboat1: all my best wishes for your journey into teacher training, pls keep me posted. I am thrilled for you and so glad you've found something that's moved you here at CY as well.

    love to you all from montana!

  7. Congratulations! My parents bought me a horse when I was about 13 years old and he was 10 years old. We kept him until he died a few years ago. He was the best part of my life for many years.

  8. you are soooo living the dream.
