Friday, April 24, 2009

Worth 1,000 words...

I'm not sure what to say about this picture, so I thought I would let it speak for itself. Yes, it's me, and those are the Bridger mountains I'm facing. Namaste.


  1. Gorgeous, Margaret. Yoga is wonderful. Sigh.

  2. This photo made me smile--a beautiful expression of yoga in beautiful surroundings! You didn't want to contort yourself in an arm-balancing pose like one of Kathryn Budig's nude shots for toesox that we've been seeing monthly in Yoga Journal? ;)

  3. uh, NO WAY. ;) those shots are gorgeous, but i wouldn't want to see myself doing them naked!! this one was nerve-wracking enough! but it was pretty amazing to be sitting there in lotus with nothing between me and the mountains, no one in front of me for miles (thankfully) and feeling the sun. my daughter took my clothes out of the way after i took them off and brought them back to me...I was excited to have her see me doing something like this and not think anything of it.
