Tango on Sunday morning

Husband, Morgane and I packed up and headed to the Cowgirl Yoga ranch this weekend to get things ready for ranch camp next week, and to hang out with the herd and ride. Morgane and her dad camped out next to the creek while I opted for a bed at the ranch house...yes, I will admit it, I love the outdoors, but I am not a fan of sleeping in a tent. So this morning, I woke up early and as Janice offered me a capuccino, I replied, well actually, do you mind if I hop on Tango bareback and go ride out to wake up my family? It was yet another of this summer's absolutely perfect movie moments (with the small exception of Tango being freaked out by some farm equipment): soft, early morning sunlight, birds chirping, and me riding bareback on sweet boy Tango to go wake up my fam - I felt like a fairy princess. As I approached their tent, I started calling Morgane's name...she had just woken up, and imagine her surprise and delight to peek out of the tent, wide-eyed, to see me there on Tango! I was beside myself with happiness. If that's not something she will remember for awhile, I certainly will.

In addition to my Sunday morning "Tango", we also tarped hay and had a family ride. Here's Janice and Emily on the top of the haystack, me looking like I'm working hard, and Morgane and Janice on Sam.

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