Cowgirls vs. Cancer 2012

I am sooooo excited to announce our eight - yes, EIGHT - Cowgirls vs. Cancer scholarship recipients for 2012. Our first year, we brought out two scholarship recipients; last year, four, and this year, we are dedicating an entire retreat to Cowgirls vs. Cancer. This has been made possible due to the generosity of everyone that we work with at Cowgirl Yoga. We've all witnessed firsthand the wonderful effects of healing with horses and yoga, and everyone involved is committed to making it bigger. Cowgirl sized! Yeehaw & Namaste to that.

Read about our eight cancer kickin' cowgirls here (be sure to scroll down) - three of them are named Amy! You'll probably cry, and you'll definitely be inspired by their stories. We can't wait to kick up our heels and celebrate life with these ladies on our special Cowgirls vs. Cancer retreat this June.

You can support this program by purchasing one of our fun COWGIRL tees! Giddy Up and get one, for a good cause.

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