Cowgirls vs. Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I really like it when things are timed right, so I'm thrilled to announce the launch of Big Sky Yoga Retreat's new program, Cowgirls vs. Cancer.

The mission:
Through Cowgirls vs. Cancer, Big Sky Yoga Retreats aims to support fundraising efforts across the US to help provide scholarships to yoginis who have experienced the physical, emotional and financial hardships of breast cancer. In 2010, our goal is to bring Amy, a yoga instructor and mother of four in the beginning stages of chemo, to Montana on a Cowgirl Yoga retreat. This healing and rejuvenating retreat will give her something positive to look forward to, and help her regain an internal sense of peace and balance. Our hope is that through fundraising efforts, we can raise enough money to make several breast cancer survivors Cowgirl Yoginis every year. Please help us make a difference in the fight against cancer. Or as a cowgirl might say, help us kick cancer's ass. Yeehaw & Namaste!

So much more to come on this...including how you can get involved, the Cowgirl t-shirt debut, and guest blogging by Amy on the topic of yoga and cancer. Or yoga vs. cancer. Meanwhile, you can read more about this fab new program, and about Amy, here. Namaste.

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